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Jessica Nordby

Project Manager

Jessica began her career in mental health as a counselor in a program for teens struggling with eating disorders, and expanded her skills in this arena as she became the program’s facility manager. After several years working in direct client care, Jessica stepped into a business development role, opening mental health and eating disorder treatment programs across the country.

Jessica has extensive project management experience in starting up new residential and out-patient treatment programs: this includes interviewing, hiring, and training all levels of team members (from first-time direct care staff all the way to executive directors and doctors); managing construction and renovation projects to ensure facilities meet the needs of the program and clients; and assuring that all components of the facilities adhere to the many requirements set forth by licensing agencies.

As a project manager, Jessica has assisted in the opening of over seventy treatment programs across a dozen states in the US, all while carefully ensuring that all facets of the facilities reflect the program mission, beliefs, as well as focus on safety and comfort needs of the program clients.